preventing scratched glass during construction

Protecting tempered glass during construction is essential to prevent scratches and damage. Here are some tips to avoid scratching tempered glass:

  1. Cover it: Use protective materials like cardboard, foam, or specialized glass protection films to cover glass surfaces during construction.
  2. Keep it clean: Before construction begins, ensure that the glass is clean and free from dirt or debris that could cause scratches.
  3. No contact: Instruct workers to avoid leaning tools, materials, or equipment against glass surfaces.
  4. Create buffer zones: Erect barriers or temporary walls around the glass to prevent accidental contact with construction activities.
  5. Cushioning: Use cushioning materials like foam or blankets on any surfaces where construction tools or materials may come into contact with the glass.
  6. Safety precautions: Ensure workers are trained in proper safety procedures and the importance of avoiding contact with glass.
  7. Regular inspections: Periodically inspect the glass for any signs of damage or scratches, and address issues promptly.
  8. Communication: Clearly communicate the importance of glass protection to all workers and contractors involved in the construction project.
  9. Temporary removal: If possible, consider removing glass panels temporarily during construction and reinstalling them once the work is complete.
  10. Post-construction cleaning: After construction, thoroughly clean the glass surfaces to remove any remaining dust or debris that could cause scratches.

Taking these precautions can help preserve the integrity and appearance of tempered glass during construction projects.

If you have glass that’s already been scratched, don’t fret, it can likely be restored.  Please, don’t hesitate to reach out for more information.