Graffiti Removal in Encinitas, Ca

Glass Savers handles small jobs too!

Culture Brewery in Encinitas had been a victim of graffiti being scratched in their glass. It gives a bad first impression as people walk by or inside. Naturally they needed this removed ASAP and most importantly without RUINING the glass with distortion, swirls or haze.

While Glass Savers main focus is on high end and large volume jobs, we also love to serve our community by removing graffiti from glass as well.

Here is an example of scratched glass graffiti being removed. The scratches on the glass are NOT filled in with a resin or any product to attempt hiding the scratches. The scratches are REMOVED from the glass. This involves resurfacing the glass down to just below the depth of the scratches and feathering out far enough to eliminate any possibility of distortion.

Once the graffiti has been removed the glass is polished back to its original clarity with no visible distortion, swirls or haze.

This is hugely important unless you’re OK with having your glass left looking like a hazy fun house mirror.

If you need your glass resurfaced WITHOUT and visible sign of repair, distortion, swirls or haze, there are only a handful of companies that are able to deliver on that promise. Glass Savers is proud to be one of them which is why our focus is on high end projects where the results need to be as close to perfect as humanly possible. That being said we’re also more than happy to help with smaller single panel jobs as well, such as this one in Encinitas, Ca.

Make sure whoever you are considering to resurface your glass has plenty of Before/After photos and videos, references from happy customers and carry proper liability insurance.  They should also be willing to do a demonstration on a portion of your glass before you commit to a large project.

When you need your glass resurfaced to as close to perfect as possible, call Glass Savers.

As you can see, we were able to get the scratches out, and without leaving any noticeable optical distortion or obvious sign of repair.

Over the years, we’ve run into countless scenarios like this one, where our client was told by the “other guys” that the scratches couldn’t be removed.   Not only are we able to remove the scratches that no one else can 9 times out of 10, but we do it without leaving behind all of the obvious signs of repair that are common with most other glass “repairs”

When you need glass resurfacing, and you need it done right, we are the only ones you need to call.

Don’t take our word for it though, in addition to the largest online gallery of previous jobs we’ve done, we also offer no-obligation demos of our services because we know you’ll be thrilled with the final result we deliver.

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